Traveling To El Salvador: Safety, Vaccinations And Health

Is El Salvador Safe To Travel?

This is probably the most asked question by people who want to travel to El Salvador. During the last few years homicides and violent crime have significantly dropped all over the country and due to the heavy investment in tourism and the creation of the tourism police, it is nowadays easier and safer than before to travel to El Salvador and the country is seeing an increase in international arrivals. 

The increased safety doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t exercise caution when you travel to El Salvador as there is still a high crime rate in El Salvador and there are many armed criminal gangs (maras) who operate in the country.  In general, tourists are not a specific target, especially when they use organized tours, but you should remain vigilant and not take any unnecessary risks. There are increased security measures over the country. San Salvador can be visited during the day, but it’s best to avoid being outside after 6 pm, especially the 49 avenida sur. Throughout the country, you should avoid deprived neighborhoods and remote places. Some tourist sites are secured, depending on the place, this is either permanent or on request. 

Although many tourists travel without incidents by public transport, it is still advised to travel with a travel agency and a personal car. Common sense and ordinary precautions apply:
– Avoid public transport and don’t hail taxis on the street. Pre-arrange transport. 
– If you travel by car, keep windows and doors closed, even while driving. Don’t travel after sunset and don’t take hitchhikers;

– Avoid go out after sunset in San Salvador and use a trusted taxi
– Lifting is not recommended;

– Only stay in recommended hotels and avoid camping

– Do not wear valuable jewelry or carry large sums of money;

– Carry your documents on your body (in a small purse or inside pocket) and not in a small travel bag or backpack;

– Don’t resist a robbery and don’t look the robbers in the eye ; 

– Be careful when swimming in the Pacific Ocean, there are treacherous undercurrents.

Does El Salvador Have Malaria? Do I Need To Take Malaria Medication When Traveling To El Salvador?

Malaria is endemic in El Salvador. It is strongly recommended to sleep under a mosquito net, use a mosquito repellent product containing DEET and take a prophylactic for short stays. Depending on your general state of health, your doctor will prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

Does El Salvador Have Dengue Fever?

Dengue fever is a viral infection spread by the Aedes mosquito, which bites mainly during the day and early evening. Dengue mainly occurs in the rainy season. Symptoms include acute high fever, muscle pain, joint pain and possibly a skin rash. There is no vaccine for it. Because dengue can be dangerous and in some cases even fatal, it is important to immediately consult a doctor if you notice these symptoms and to always protect yourself against mosquitoes (use a mosquito repellent product containing DEET, sleep under a mosquito net, wear long clothing ). Dengue occurs in both urban and rural areas.

Does El Salvador Have Chikungunya?

Chikungunya is a viral disease that is transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes. It is accompanied by fever and severe joint pains. Other symptoms include muscle pain, headache, dizziness, fatigue, and skin rash. This disease has some of the same symptoms as dengue, which can lead to a misdiagnosis in areas where dengue is common. There is no treatment or vaccine for this disease. Only the symptoms can be treated. Travelers in chikungunya areas should take some basic precautions: put on bug spray, wear long sleeves and trouser legs, use mosquito nets.

Does El Salvador Have Zika Virus?

In El Salvador, the Zika virus has been present since the end of 2015. The virus, transmitted by the Aedis mosquito, is said to be responsible for cases of microcephaly in infants. Pregnant women should take special precautions. The virus is also said to be sexually transmitted. The Aedes mosquito can be found in both urban and rural areas.

For the Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika virus, you should always protect yourself against mosquitoes: use a mosquito repellent product with DEET, also during the day, wear long clothing and sleep under a mosquito net. Avoid environments with standing water.

Do I Need Yellow fever vaccination For El Salvador? 

No yellow fever vaccination is required to enter El Salvador unless you recently stayed or live in a high-risk country.  Before your trip, inquire thoroughly with the local authorities to verify whether or not you need to present the vaccination certificate upon entry if you visit several countries during the same trip.The vaccination must be administered at least 10 days before departure and registered in an International Certificate of Vaccination and Prophylaxis.

Is There Tuberculosis In El Salvador?

Tuberculosis is common. El Salvador has the highest rate of childhood tuberculosis in Latin America.

Is There Rabies In El Salvador? 

Stray dogs are no exception. Animal lovers who are inclined to caress or play with them are advised to vaccinate against rabies. Antibodies are not available everywhere, often they can only be found in the capital and in private hospitals. Avoid contact with wild or stray animals (dogs, cats, bats, foxes, etc.). In case of an animal bite, it is of the utmost importance to wash the wound (however superficial or small) thoroughly with soap and water, rinse well and then thoroughly disinfect. A doctor should be consulted afterwards to consider nursing vaccination.