The Five Best Beach Destinations In El Salvador

Until a few years ago El Salvador, being the smallest nation in Central America, was little mentioned in the media and if it was, it was most likely because of its high crime numbers. Since the new government is in power, crime has reduced tremendously in El Salvador and there have been serious efforts to improve the overall infrastructure in the country. In October 2021 El Salvador became the first nation in the world to legalize Bitcoin as a legal tender and has since then been getting a lot of international attention. Especially in the surf industry, surf and Bitcoin are closely connected as several coastal towns have ongoing Bitcoin projects.

El Salvador was also on the radar of Lonely Planet who listed El Salvador among their must-visit destinations for 2023, describing it as a valuable destination to learn new things and get new insights. El Salvador is indeed a valuable travel destination and is undergoing rapid changes. El Salvador is making huge efforts to make itself attractive for tourists, expats and digital nomads by having a relaxed visa policy and a welcoming approach, even during the pandemic.

El Salvador is easily accessible from the US, Mexico and neighboring countries and for European visitors, San Salvador can also be reached by plane from Madrid, which is a short flight away from many European cities.

Surfers will logically spend most of their time near the beach at places such as Punta Roca, Punta Mango, Las Flores, El Tunco and Cuco which are some of the best beaches to surf in El Salvador. These are all great beaches even if you’re not into surfing and are all great spots to relax and explore local culture. Many tourists will only visit one or two beaches and this is why we list some of the best beaches in El Salvador which you can visit during your trip. If you have enough time, we think it’s good to start in the east and visit El Cuco and the neighboring beaches such as El Esteron and Las Flores Beach. You can then later visit El Tunco and its neighboring beaches such as El Zonte. 

Here is a list in no specific order of what we consider the best beach destinations in El Salvador: El Tunco, El Zonte, El Cuco, Los Cobanos and Punta Mango.

1. El Tunco: Surf City

El Tunco, nowadays also known as Surf City is without a doubt one of the most popular tourist destinations in all of El Salvador. It is located in Tamanique in the La Libertad Department and close to other popular beaches such as Playa El Sunzal. El Tunco has long been a hidden secret among a small group of international surfers who have been coming here for decades as it is one of the best spots in Central America to surf. Not only does El Tunco have the best waves, it also has one of the most relaxing and pleasant vibes among the coast of El Salvador. It is because of its laid-back atmosphere and the hospitality of the locals that it’s not only a great destination for surfers, but also one of the best beach destinations in El Salvador. Playa El Tunco should therefore be included in your travel itinerary for El Salvador, even if it’s only for just one or two days.

Don’t be scared if you don’t know how to surf as there are plenty of surf instructors in El Tunco and renting a surfboard has never been this easy and affordable as in El Tunco. If you don’t feel like surfing, you can just simply relax, indulge in the local culture and if you like dancing, you’re in one of the best nightlife spots outside the capital of San Salvador. The combination of locals and international visitors results in a great atmosphere on the dance floor.

Just like El Zonte and other coastal villages, the use of Bitcoin is widespread in Surf City. It is possible to pay for your food, your accommodation or even for a haircut by using Chivo, the Bitcoin wallet used in El Salvador. There are also Bitcoin ATMs in El Tunco. 

2. Playa El Zonte

Playa el Zonte is a favorite among surfers as the waves here are just perfect. You don’t have to be a surf veteran to go to El Zonte, beginners can also take surf lessons here. The beach of El Zonte consists of grayish sand accompanied by coconut palm trees. It has been gaining popularity among surfers worldwide, but it is still calmer and less crowded than other beaches in El Salvador such as El Tunco (Surf City).

El Zonte is also known for its wide adoption of Bitcoin, which is now legal tender besides the US Dollar, since October 2021. Just like in the rest of El Salvador it is possible to pay with Bitcoin and to use the Bitcoin ATMs. This bold move from President Bukele has definitely caught international attention and has since attracted many visitors who are curious and would love to learn more about how Bitcoin can be integrated in society and used as a currency. So traveling to El Zonte is definitely a cultural and educative trip as you’ll be witnessing the start of a monetary revolution.

3. El Cuco

El Cuco is one of the most popular beach destinations in all of El Salvador and often present in travel itineraries for El Salvador. It is especially known to be a surf spot, but it’s also a great place to simply disconnect and relax, but also for its nightlife! Enjoy the local bars and restaurants and taste the abundant variety of seafood and fish accompanied with a few drinks, before you explore the dance floors of El Cuco. During the day you can simply relax or play beach volley or football in the black sand.

El Cuco is a great base to explore nearby beaches and natural sites such as Playa El Esteron and Las Flores, which are both great surf spots as well. Playa Esteron has a white sandy beach surrounded with green and palm trees and is also home to sea turtles. It is a great place to swim, as this is not possible everywhere at the coast of El Salvador. Try to also visit Intipuca Beach, close to Playa El Esteron and do some beer tasting at El Salvador’s first microbrewery. Playa Las Flores lies on the other side of El Cuco and is one of top surf destinations in El Salvador.

One of the charms of El Cuco is the hospitality and the kindness of the locals. You will receive a warm welcome here and people will be eager to help you out or simply will want to get to know you. A great way to get to know the locals is by going to one of the beach bars at El Cuco and the nearby beaches.

4. Los Cobanos Beach

Playa Los Cóbanos offers a different experience than El Tunco or El Cuco as it has a large protected marine area of over 265 sq kilometers. It doesn’t have black sand like many other beaches in El Salvador, but has golden sand where you can have scenic walks and enjoy beach activities such as snorkeling, diving, beach volleyball or simply tanning and relaxing. The name Los Cobanos comes from a farm on the beach which used to have many cobano trees. There are only a few cobano trees left anymore.

The best months to come to Los Cobanos are from December to March, with February and March being the top months, as during this time you can see humpback whales at Playa Los Cobanos. During your whale watching tour, you can also see orcas and dolphins. Besides whale watching you can also find four sea turtle species here: leatherback turtles, hawksbill turtles, brown roofed turtles and olive ridley turtles. It is also possible to explore the coral reefs through snorkeling or diving. There are fish such as blowfish, burrita, tiger fish and more. If you’re lucky you can also spot whale sharks.

5. Punta Mango 

Playa Punta Mango is one of the best surf spots in El Salvador and thanks to its remote location surrounded by deep forest, it is also an overall great destination for those who are looking for a peaceful place to spend a few days near the beach away from the crowds. It is not too far from El Cuco Beach and Las Flores, so you can check out these places during your stay as well. Punta Mango has been part of the Bitcoin Beach Project which strives to stimulate the local economy and have unbanked people access the Bitcoin ecosystem to take charge over their finances. It also received an almost 100 million usd investment to improve the road network and general infrastructure to help the tourism sector grow. Now is a great time to go to Punta Mango as it is still not too known among travelers.

Ofcourse, there are many other great beaches in El Salvador and every beach destination in El Salvador has its own charm. The best way to find out which beach is perfect for you is to simply book your travel to El Salvador and tour the country.