It is possible to hire a plane in El Salvador. We can provide a small plane starting from two passengers to larger planes. Please, let us know if you are interested in renting an aircraft and let us know the place, date, amount of passengers and the duration, and we’ll come up with a quote after calculating the flight hours.
Depending on the size of the plane needed for the mission, we can serve the following airports in El Salvador, as well as fly to Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Belize.
Barrillas MSBS Barrillas Airport
Cangrejera MSCS Las Cachas Airport
Ceiba Doblada MSCD Ceiba Doblada Airport
Corral de Mulas MSCM Corral de Mulas Airport
Corral de Mulas MSSJ Punta San Juan Airport
El Jocotillo MSJC El Jocotillo Airport
El Platanar MSPT El Platanar Airport
Metapan MSRC El Ronco Airport (closed)
El Tamarindo MSET El Tamarindo Airport
El Zapote MSZT El Zapote Airport
Espiritu Santo MSES Espiritu Santo Airport
Jiquilisco MSCN Casas Nuevas Airport
La Cabana MSLC La Cabana Airport
Jiquilisco MSCR La Carrera Airport
La Chepona MSCH La Chepona Airport
La Union Airport of the Pacific (proposed)
San Francisco Gotera MSLD Los Comandos Airport
San Miguel MSSM El Papalon Airport
San Miguel MSAC La Aramuaca Airport
San Salvador MSLP SAL San Oscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez International Airport
San Salvador MSSS ILS Ilopango International Airport
Santa Ana MSSA El Palmer Airport (closed)
Santa Rosa de Lima Santa Rosa de Lima Airport
Usulutan Usulutan Airport